“IMM GALLERY”全新空间形象由视觉艺术家叶子乐设计。灵感源自爱琴海边悬崖上的 安坡里奥村落,为了抵抗海上狂风,当地建筑采用弯曲延绵的墙面将不同区域首尾相连,以 柔克刚,其建筑特点和IMM尹默独立、知性、艺术的品牌精神不谋而合,用自然的力量,诠 释自然的艺术。整个空间将中国意境和西方结构融会贯通,诠释崇尚自然的新美学。
"IMM GALLERY" new interior is designed by visual artist Kim Ye, inspired by Emporio by the Aegean Sea. The local architectures connect different areas with continuous walls to resistance to strong sea winds - overcoming the strength by applying soft methods, using the power of nature to interpret the art of itself. The architectural characteristics coincide with the brand spirits of IMM. The entire space integrates Chinese artistic conception and western structure, interpreting the new aesthetics that advocates nature.